"You can do this with store bought garden lime (you only need a little), or you can do it by adding in a lot of high pH, naturally-sourced materials like pine leaves or citrus peels."

Lime is basic and high pH, but aren't pine leaves and citrus peels both acidic / low pH? is fiddling with the pH a question of bringing it overall back toward a neutral level? i.e. do house flies best proliferate in low, neutral, or high pH levels?

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I'm glad you asked this! Ha, rereading this - the way I wrote this is so confusing, that I might actually include a follow up note in my next edition. My intention was to say that temporarily adjusting your pH in either direction can work and to experiment, I've had luck with citrus *peels* (versus the fruit), and I also should have specified that - I've also had luck with lime. But the way I wrote this was weird and you're correct to point that out. I don't actually know if flies have a specific pH preference, and some light research isn't turning up a quick answer - I am going to keep investigating!

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what about cockroaches? how should i deal with them

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